今天的资本. 明天的大都会.

Stage lights, curtain calls and enthusiastic applause. If you're a music student, that's what dreams are made of. 在首都 音乐学院, we promise you will have numerous opportunities to showcase and evolve your talents in a wide variety of ensembles, 不管你的音乐专业是什么. 事实上,我们有各种形状和大小的集合. Some perform on campus while others appear in Columbus, 在整个州, 在全国乃至全世界. 所以鞠躬吧. There's an ensemble experience waiting for you at the 音乐学院



自1929年以来, the 威尼斯人平台 教堂唱诗班 has upheld the rich Lutheran heritage of fine choral singing. This select mixed ensemble is the 音乐学院's most advanced choir and is recognized as one of the outstanding elite college choral ensembles in the nation. The choir’s long-standing touring tradition has sent them around the world, leveraging the transformative power of music and connecting people from diverse cultures. Recent national and international travel has included concerts in South Africa, 阿曼, 爱尔兰, 比利时, 荷兰, 华盛顿D.C.芝加哥、堪萨斯城和纽约.

在…的指导下 Dr. 琳达激战 自1990年以来, the 教堂唱诗班 has been honored with invitations to perform for numerous state, 区域, national and international conferences and conventions. The 教堂唱诗班 was awarded the 2018 American Prize, Ernst Bacon Memorial Award for the Performance of American Music. Recent concert highlights include the world premiere performance of A Silence Haunts Me by 杰克Runestad at the 2019 ACDA National Conference in Kansas, a 2019 Gala Concert with 埃里克·惠特克 on 资本’s Mees Hall stage, 并于3月8日在卡内基音乐厅举行音乐会, 2020.




While the tradition of student-organized music at 资本 dates back to the 1860’s, musical study on campus became formalized in 1918 with the creation of the Department of Music. Informal concert bands were organized as early as 1889, with Harold John Grimm being named the University’s first recognized Director of Bands in 1922. 在接下来的一个世纪里, 资本 has frequently hosted nationally and internationally recognized guest composers and guest conductors. 客座作曲家包括霍华德·汉森, 卢卡斯自由/开源软件, 卡雷尔Husa, 大卫马兰斯卡, 迈克尔·多尔蒂, erik Esenvalds, 杰克Runestad, 约翰麦基, 埃里克·惠特克, 还有弗兰克·提切里. Guest conductors have included William Revelli, Ray Cramer, Paula Crider, and Craig Kirchhoff. 最近, the 资本的乐队 have demonstrated a strong commitment to new music, 要么领先, 或者参与, consortia to commission composers such as 约翰麦基, 克林特·尼达姆, 杰克Runestad, 亚历克斯·夏皮罗, 和杰斯·兰斯顿·特纳.

The 威尼斯人平台 Symphonic Winds, under the direction of Dr. 祖益巴考克斯, is the premier wind band in the 音乐学院. The Symphonic Winds perform programs that draw from the cornerstones of the wind literature, 当代最优秀的作品, and the rich and varied repertoire composed for chamber winds. Recent accolades include multiple awards in the College/University Division of The American Prize in Band Performance, 获得第三名和第二名的奖项. The Symphonic Winds was awarded The American Prize Ernst Bacon Memorial Award for the Performance of American Music in the College/University Ensemble Division.

在他们的校园音乐会外面, the ensemble has toured throughout the United States and abroad and has earned frequent invitations to perform at professional conferences. Appearances have included the multiple performances at College Band Directors National Association North Central Division Conferences, the Ohio Music 教育 Association Professional Development Conference, 以及为期一周的台湾之旅.



这十八人, award-winning 威尼斯人平台 Big Band is an experience designed for you to hone your skills in big band playing, style, improvisation and more while expanding your understanding of the large ensemble tradition. Performing a wide range of repertoire from such artists as Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Thad Jones along with contemporary music written to push the boundaries of the ensemble, the Big Band represents some of the finest musicians within the 音乐学院. An unforgettable musical experience for our students, the Big Band was featured at the Jazz 教育 Network Conference in New Orleans as well as frequent intercollegiate jazz festivals and our very own annual Jazz and World Music Festival.



被称为威尼斯人平台摇滚乐团,或C.U.R.E., this group performs a blend of rock, jazz, country, and pop music. 有多个歌手和一个完整的圆号部分,C.U.R.E. keeps the beat at several indoor and outdoor performances with its renditions of classic and contemporary rock hits. If you're interested in auditioning, contact the director, 汤姆•戴维斯.




吉姆·贝茨指挥首都/奥特贝格管弦乐团, which includes 资本's best student instrumentalists and accomplished community and professional musicians from around Columbus. The orchestra also frequently features guest soloists of national prominence.




If you're interested in auditioning, contact the director, 汤姆•戴维斯.

  • 钢琴室内合奏-王天舒
  • 协同绩效-王天舒
  • 长笛合唱团-丽莎·耶勒
  • 单簧管合唱团-盖尔·楚格
  • 小号合唱团-兰斯·威蒂
  • 号角合唱团-金·麦肯
  • 长号合唱团-托尼·韦克尔
  • 大号雷霆——托尼·齐林克
  • 巴松管季风——贝琪·斯图德万特
  • 长笛合奏-丽莎·耶勒
  • 号角合奏-金·麦肯
  • 单簧管四重奏-盖尔·楚格
  • 萨克斯管四重奏-迈克尔考克斯
  • 长号四重奏-托尼·韦克尔
  • 大号四重奏——托尼·齐林克
  • 弦乐合奏-约瑟夫·穆勒
  • 铜管五重奏- Lance Witty, Tony Zilincik
  • 木管五重奏- Gail Zugger, Lisa Jelle
  • 现在的合奏——托尼·齐林克
  • 音乐会打击乐团-朱莉·利卡塔
  • 民族打击乐团-朱莉·利卡塔
  • 世界音乐合奏-埃里克·帕顿
  • 首都/奥特拜因管弦乐团-吉姆·贝茨 
  • 《威尼斯人官网》——约翰·克莱默
  • 风交响乐——约翰·克莱默
  • 室内打击乐团-瑞安·基尔戈
  • 大乐队——扎克·琼斯
  • 实验室乐队-罗杰·海因斯,亚历克斯·伯戈因
  • 鸟地乐团——斯坦·史密斯
  • 先锋乐团-罗杰·海恩斯
  • 爵士打击乐合奏-埃里克佩顿
  • 爵士吉他合奏-汤姆戴维斯
  • 迷笛乐队- Paul Kavicky

威尼斯人平台 has several performing groups to offer our students who love to sing. Ensemble membership is open to all 资本 students by audition, regardless of major. In fact, choir members represent nearly every major offered at 资本! Participation in a performing ensemble for three semesters satisfies the university’s General 教育 Fine 艺术s requirement. Why not do you something you love, and fulfill a course requirement at the same time?

  • 教堂唱诗班——琳达·哈瑟勒
  • 合唱联盟-琳达·哈瑟勒
  • 首都歌- Libby Hainrihar
  • 《威尼斯人网站》——查德·贝克
  • Philomel室内声乐合奏-琳达·哈瑟勒
  • 歌剧/音乐剧工作坊-安德鲁·赖克